

In order to continue XRE’s activities and to protect the world view, the following secondary use and other handling are prohibited.
Thank you for your cooperation.

Unauthorized reproduction, use, modification, or redistribution of any work published by XRE.
Unauthorized reproduction, use, modification, or redistribution of any illustrations published by XRE.
Unauthorized reproduction, use, modification, or redistribution of any illustrations published by XRE.
Creating and publishing 3D works and Live2D.
Selling personalized goods.
Use of XRE’s name (impersonation)
Creation or distribution of sexually explicit content (except for swimwear without excessive exposure)
Any other acts that XRE deems malicious.

(Except in cases where XRE has granted permission for any of the above.
Please contact us if you are in doubt.
The above information may be added or changed at any time. Please always check the latest version.